A man standing in front of a brick wall.

Meet Traditional Tattoo Artist Jonny Agoes

Jonny Agoes, the creative force behind Bold Traditional Tattoos in Asheville, traces his artistic roots to his upbringing in rural New Hampshire. From an early age, he found solace in the realms of art and music, setting the stage for a lifelong passion. The catalyst for his journey into the world of tattoos was his first ink at the age of 17—a pivotal moment that ignited a deep fascination with the art form's permanence.

Captivated by the allure of tattooing, Jonny acquired his first tattoo kit from eBay and tentatively explored the craft on himself and friends. Although they appreciated his efforts, Jonny acknowledged his early shortcomings, recognizing the need for proper training. Faced with a lack of exposure to reputable tattooing in New Hampshire, he took a significant leap at the age of 24, relocating to Denver to embark on a formal apprenticeship and set his career on the right path.

Jonny describes his artistic style as ever-evolving, with a primary focus on Traditional tattoos that exude a timeless and vibrant quality. Steeped in the classics, he prides himself on creating bold, eye-catching designs. Despite his specialization in Traditional work, Jonny considers himself well-rounded, showcasing versatility by delving into Japanese and soft black and gray styles. His repertoire of preferred tattoo subjects spans a wide spectrum, including snakes, bugs, skulls, daggers, flowers, animals, and all things eerie.

Drawing inspiration from muted earth tones and infusing vibrant color pops whenever possible, Jonny's artistic palette mirrors the diversity of his tattooing subjects. As he embarks on the next chapter of his career in Asheville, Jonny is eager to immerse himself in a new artistic community, seeking inspiration and learning from fellow artists. With a commitment to continuous growth, he envisions his future as a journey of refining and expanding his bright and bold tattooing style.